I have spent quite a bit of time the last month reading many random anti-gun and gun control blogs and editorials. The most interesting facet of the entire experience has been their appalling lack of knowledge about firearms in general, firearms acquisition, concealed carry, current laws and regulations, current research, in fact, just about anything to do with or about guns.
HOPLOPHOBIA: an irrational and morbid fear of guns...
If we fear what we don't know and our fearful reaction to the unknown is intolerance and persecution, the classic description of bigotry, tell me how the typical gun-control advocate is different from any other bigot. (bigot: a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own.) They usually don't know much about gun owners and don't care to learn (as they'll tell you while looking down their noses), preferring stereotypes. They usually don't know much about guns and don't care to learn (as they'll tell you while withdrawing with a shudder), preferring stereotypes. Opposition is meaningless because the opposition is, well, unenlightened. There is almost always a snide, condescending, superior attitude whenever they lower themselves to "inform" us what we should be thinking.
Don't confuse me with the facts!...
I think most would agree that at least a basic, accurate knowledge about what you oppose would be a prerequisite for debate, but that doesn't stop these guys. Of course, most of them aren't interested in a substantive debate. When you're motivated by fear and loathing, all that matters is getting your message out. Some of the sites I visited had comments turned off. Some of the sites I visited moderate comments, and often don't allow opposite viewpoints. And in those that do? Civility? You've got to be kidding. Accuracy? Well, they quote a lot of statistics, some factual, some not, some germane, some not. What is readily evident is that they care. I'm not sure what they care about most of the time, but I am sure it is not me and mine.
Two eggs, over easy...
I've also seen the phrase "reasonable restrictions" and "reasonable regulations" bandied about quite a bit. Reasonable to whom? And we're right back to the same condescending, superior attitude that knows "what's best" for us if we'd only let them be our Mommy for life. Puhlease! It might be reasonable for me to want ham for breakfast, but do you think the pig sees it that way?
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