The entire article is here.
“There is an ominous change taking place in American culture that could revolutionize our politics, making it more difficult to sustain our free-market system and our tradition of self-reliance, driving more people into government dependency. This change is the decline in marriage and traditional family life. Democrats sense an opportunity in this decline. It could boost their political prospects tremendously... Increasing turnout among these unmarried women could help cinch 2008 and other future elections for the Democrats... Unmarried women, it turned out, were more likely than respondents in general to want the President and Congress to pay attention to health care, the economy and jobs, and Social Security and Medicare. They were less likely to want the President and Congress to pay attention to terrorism and national security, illegal immigration, energy and gas prices, taxes and spending, and moral values... What unmarried women seem to want in greater proportion than the overall population is a government that will take care of them. As marriage and family decline in America, the political pressure will mount for government to expand. When government grows, freedom shrinks. Baby boom liberals may forever deny it, but freedom depends on the bonds of marriage.” —Terence Jeffrey
This demographic isn't looking for a Nanny, they are looking for a Husband!!
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