NEVER BEEN SHOOTING? Would you like to try it?
An offer for Louisville Metro area residents.

If you have never been shooting, are 21 years old or older and not otherwise barred by state or federal law from purchasing or possessing a firearm, I'd like to invite you to the range. I will provide firearms, ammunition, range fees, eye and hearing protection and basic instruction.

(Benefactor Member of the NRA, member of KC3, former NRA firearms instructor, former Ky CCDW instructor)

Email me if you are interested in taking me up on this offer. Five (5) people already have.

August 10, 2007

If you think "gun control" is a good idea...

If you think "gun control" is a good idea, you shouldn't have any problem with the following. And none of that nasty Constitution stuff gets in the way of it, because operating a motor vehicle is a privilege extended to citizens by the state, not an enumerated right.

There have been approximately 1,000,000 deaths by motor vehicle in the United Stated in the last 25 years. An inordinate number of these deaths are children and young adults. Current levels of regulation are insufficient to mitigate this horror. Motor vehicles are dangerous and unsafe. Ownership and operation of motor vehicles must be more restrictive and heavily regulated for public safety. Additional benefits include increased use of public transportation, less motor vehicle polution, decreased need for hydrocarbon fuels, less traffic delays, you get the idea. So, here we go...

Since motor vehicles have often been used in crimes, no one who has ever been convicted of any crime, misdemeanor or felony, shall be allowed own a motor vehicle, or to have an operator license for motor vehicles.

No person shall own a motor vehicle without a motor vehicle ownership permit (MVOP) for each vehicle. All MVOP applications must be submitted in person. All persons who apply for an MVOP shall 1) submit to a criminal background check, 2) submit a letter of recommendation from the chief law enforcement officer of the jurisdiction in which they abide, 3)submit to a blood test, and 4) show good cause for owning a motor vehicle.

No person shall operate a motor vehicle without an operator's license. All persons who apply for an operator's 1) submit to a criminal background check, 2) submit a letter of recommendation from the chief law enforcement officer of the jurisdiction in which they abide, 3)submit to a blood test, 4) show good cause for owning a motor vehicle, and 4) shall complete an 80 hour driving safety course.

Since a majority of motor vehicle wrecks, fatal or otherwise, involve alcohol, every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a device to test the driver’s blood alcohol level. Said device can only be operated from the driver’s seat, and will prevent the starting of the motor vehicle when alcohol is detected in the driver’s blood. When the driver’s blood alcohol level range is 0.05% to 0.10%, the device will lock all doors of the motor vehicle and notify police that an attempted aggravated assault is in progress. When the driver’s blood alcohol level range is 0.10% or above, the device will lock all doors of the motor vehicle and notify police that an attempted murder is in progress. Any DUI convictions prior to the implementation of these regulations would render the person ineligible for motor vehicle ownership or operation.

Since a large number of motor vehicle wrecks, fatal or otherwise, involve impairment caused by drugs, legal and illegal, no one who is convicted of operating a motor vehicle while using over-the-counter, prescription or illegal drugs shall be allowed to own a motor vehicle or to have an operator license for a motor vehicle.

Since many motor vehicle wrecks have been found to have occurred because the driver was distracted, no person who smokes, uses a cell phone, or has children under the age of 18 shall be allowed to have an operator license for a motor vehicle.

Since chances of survival in a motor vehicle wreck go down sharply at speeds over 55mph, the maximum speed limit shall never exceed 55mph. Any person convicted of speeding 5 mph or more over the speed limit, any speed limit, shall immediately have their operator license revoked and shall not be allowed to own, nor have an operator license for a motor vehicle.

Since many young people die as a result of motor vehicle accidents, no one under the age of 21 shall be allowed to own a motor vehicle or have an operator license for a motor vehicle.

Since many older people have and cause accidents, no one over the age of 65 shall be allowed to have an operator license, and shall surrender their operator license to the appropriate authority on the day before their 65th birthday. They shall be able to retain ownership of any motor vehicle, but may not drive it.

Since motor vehicles use flammable and often explosive substances such as gasoline, ethanol, diesel fuel, and natural gas, no person shall be eligible to apply for a motor vehicle ownership permit or an operator license that has not attended and passed, with a score in the 95th percentile or higher, a 40 hour certified course in the proper dispensing, use, storage, and mitigation of potential hazards of these dangerous substances.

Since many stolen motor vehicles are used in crimes, any person who allows their motor vehicle to be stolen shall be prosecuted in tandem and charged equally with any criminal using the stolen motor vehicle, and shall be personally liable for any damages, actual and punitive, resulting from the theft, including those of the person who took the car.

Since motor vehicles have been driven into crowds of people and have resulted in fatalities, no motor vehicle shall be allowed to operate within 1000 feet of any group of 10 or more people.

Since red is a color of aggression and red motor vehicles would potentially be involved in more wrecks than any other color, no motor vehicle shall be painted red.

Since black and gray motor vehicles are too difficult to see after dark and are more likely to be potentially involved in an accident, no motor vehicle shall be painted black or any shade of gray.

Since color-blind persons can mostly see colors only in shades of gray, no motor vehicles may be painted any color other than white

No person may own or operate any vehicle that looks fast when it is sitting still.

Let’s do it for “the children”…

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